Monday, November 13, 2006

What Is A Person's Value?

What is it that makes a person whole? I think about this a lot when with my kids. There have been times when I've been less than 100% for my daughter, and, realizing that, I'm making restitution with the time I spend with her. She's at an age where she's reacting to every outside influence, and wants to get feedback on everything, which I do my best to give. Boy just wants to play and be loved, so he's easy.
It's been difficult providing for them while I've been in school, and I've had a lot of missteps. I've had help from my family, my ex and I both worked, and now the ventures I've enacted are starting to pay off. Hopefully we will be at least semi-comfortable by the time I graduate. The last ten years financially have been a bust - with further education and change in lifestyle, I am looking for the next ten to be a boom. It's odd, but I can feel it starting to happen, and it feels weird.
When it comes to a choice of being in love or being wealthy, I'll have to go for the first option. I miss it more than money.
Looking forward to moving at the end of school. It would be great to meet someone who wanted to share adventures with me and the kids, but I'm not counting on anyone filling that void.

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