Friday, September 29, 2006

Kitten is Getting Bigger

Boober just woke me by dropping her baby on my chest. Quite the odd experience! I stroked it with my finger until it fell asleep, with Boober sitting next to me, purring. I'm not quite sure what the meaning of all that was, but I think Boober is getting kind of lonely in the armoire and wanted to move operations to my bed. I set kitten back on the original kitty bed, and Boober jumped in. I'll see when I go back if she decided to stay or not.
That baby sure is cute...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dropping down into the coastal valleys, the sun set over the Pacific in waves and tremors. I think I need to start getting out more - there is so much to see and so little time.

After climbing out of the river the road skirted the high pasture areas in the back of Redwood National Park. Standing along a ridgeline was a magnificent herd of Roosevelt elk, native to this area. Being fall, the bull was bugling his prowess across the hills, warning away any others from his harem of cows.
It was cool.

Full Day

Traveled a lot of miles today. Did some work on the Yurok reservation, and took the back way back home, passing over the Klamath and into the deep, dark, woods. Climbing a hill on a rutted gravel road, I came across an unusual sight - a vehicle in the trees, totally burned, and the woods around on fire. Of course, no one wants to think the worst, so I pulled over to check it out.
In the trees I could hear a chain saw, and then noticed a guy scooping dirt up with what looked like a metal BBQ half. I grabbed the other half that was lying in the road, and together we kept throwing dirt and rocks on the burning brush and trees while his buddy cut down a lot of the undergrowth which was just starting to catch. About this time the driver, a young lad, came out of the woods and tried to explain that his vehicle had caught fire while he was driving and somehow, after he got out and looked under the hood at the burning engine, rolled off the road and into the woods, bursting into flames. Whatever.
About this time the Yurok Res Cops pulled up and got out their fire extinguisher, which didn't do much. I left after talking with them, as they told me a pumper was on its way. I passed it about two more miles up the hill.

New Life

Boober started acting different about 7:45 last evening. She kept jumping in my lap, looking into my eyes, and crying a high-pitched little cry. I thought it might be time for her to have babies, so I took her to the spot I had made for her in the amoire. After jumping in and out a few dozen times, she finally curled up and started purring like crazy. I petted her as she got closer, and popped the sac of the first baby around 10PM when it wouldn't break by itself. I went to sleep about midnight, and thought she had had only one kitten, but when I changed her bedding this morning I found a tiny, crumpled body beneath her. I couldn't tell if the baby had been stillborn, but it looked quite forlorn and small. I buried it beside Goober.
Mother and baby doing fine.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

It was so warm today...

That anyone with some sense took a siesta.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Why is it that everything has to happen at once? Actually, in this case it's a good thing. Business projects are solidifying, and school is ramping up for midterms just at a time when I can deal with it.
Boy has been hilarious lately. I somewhat pity the girls when he is 16 or so - they won't stand a chance. Hee-hee-hee...
His sister is turning out to be strong-minded in her own way. She would make an excellent attorney, unfortunately. The world has more than enough of those idiots, so she may hopefully end up working at something else that takes a lot of persistance and drive. She has plenty of both.
Looking forward to the end of the week in order to get some things finished.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

An Afternoon at the Park

Took Boy and the Girl to Sequoia Park playground for some R&R. The road was open, the first time since the big winds took down lots of trees January 1. Boy got to play on the "Big Kids" playground equipment while his sister and I had a few laughs watching him navigate. It was pretty swell. I wish his Mom were there to see it.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My Outside Office

I think I'm going to be liking this phase of work.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Another Day Out

Perfect day. Working tomorrow as well.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Working Outside

Spent the day working outside in the cool, clean air. The site was in the mountains above town, and the Fall colors are really starting to kick in, and are at school as well. The days have that feeling of hard weather ahead, but for now it's the best time of the year, in my opinion.
Boy has been quite funny. He's with his Mom for a few days; I can hardly wait to see him again. In the meantime, my daughter and I have plans to do some good stuff. Yeah, things could be worse. I am grateful.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's All Running!

Fuel pump is running sure and silent. Now to start repairing the little things.
Someone is cruising up our street at various times and smashing things like car windows, turn signals, and the like. Broke out the back window on my neighbor's truck, smashed the turn signal light on the other neighbor's car. Slashed about 20 tires a few months ago.
What do people like that think as they commit these acts?

Monday, September 11, 2006


Nothing can be easy. Need a part to complete my repair. Ford dealer only. Two days. $62.00.
Give me a break already.
Looks like I'll be bumming rides for a couple of days.
Other than that, it's all good!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Master Mechanic

Put off replacing the mid-tank fuel pump in La Bamba for, well, years. Finally got everything together to make the repair, and dug in. Firstly, the tank I had thought was siphoned dry was completely full. Did someone fill it at some point and not realize it was inoperable? Sucker weighed a ton taking it down.
Got it off, siphoned fuel into my truck and the ex's vehicle, took off the old pump. The inside of the tank was really clean. For some reason I was expecting all sorts of sludge and such, but it looked like new. Washed down the tank.
Put on the new pump, easy-peasy, and started to place it back into position. Started fastening the hoses, things are great, and a small, blue part drops on my chest. Pulled off the tank again, and noticed the ECV had broken off a leg. Of course, Ford is the only place to get that part, so everything is on hold until Monday.
Oh, BTW, you cannot drive the vehicle with the tank off. Oops.
Also, I think I must have the only Metric Ford pickup in the USA. Made in Canada.
I'm sore.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Life As A Greek Tragedy

If I have to push that boulder up that hill one more time I'm gonna...
It's not relay that bad. Seeing history repeat itself over and over is actually amusing. Doing things I did many years ago, but with different intent and motivation, is producing the results I desire. Committing to the goals, and only the goals, is Spartan but mentally (and sometimes physically) rewarding.
I'm liking life. A lot.
Dropped Boy off this morning, won't see him for a few days. This issue is the most perplexing I have at the moment. it's hard to be a part-time parent; in some ways harder than being a full-time one. Children change so much at his age that not being present to see it happening is, well, sad.

Monday, September 04, 2006

It's Just Too Cold

So much for the plans of traveling today - too drab and cold to want to take Boy out. Maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Same As Yesterday

Hoping for a break in the weather. Boy will be here this afternoon, and I would like to take he and his sister somewhere for an outdoor adventure - maybe the Redwood National Parks around Orick would be good. I want to check out the horse camps.
It would also be nice to get some pics with the new camera!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Foggy and Cold

Early Fall. Usally the sun has made its appearance by this time; it would appear that the weekend may be a portend.
No matter, have a fire going, watching "The Man Who Fell To Earth" with David Bowie. I hadn't seen it since it's film release in 1976. Crazy, yet humanist plot. Rip Torn has a great part. I didn't remember so much nudity, but, hey, I was 21.
Reading and writing the rest of the weekend. It's nice and quiet.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Ex Just Moved to Her New Place

She's pretty excited, but also nervous. She found a great place with some other people, and it's truly a beautiful home, just a few blocks away.
I hope she is happy there. It's been nice having her visit for a couple of months.