Put off replacing the mid-tank fuel pump in La Bamba for, well, years. Finally got everything together to make the repair, and dug in. Firstly, the tank I had thought was siphoned dry was completely full. Did someone fill it at some point and not realize it was inoperable? Sucker weighed a ton taking it down.
Got it off, siphoned fuel into my truck and the ex's vehicle, took off the old pump. The inside of the tank was really clean. For some reason I was expecting all sorts of sludge and such, but it looked like new. Washed down the tank.
Put on the new pump, easy-peasy, and started to place it back into position. Started fastening the hoses, things are great, and a small, blue part drops on my chest. Pulled off the tank again, and noticed the ECV had broken off a leg. Of course, Ford is the only place to get that part, so everything is on hold until Monday.
Oh, BTW, you cannot drive the vehicle with the tank off. Oops.
Also, I think I must have the only Metric Ford pickup in the USA. Made in Canada.
I'm sore.