Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thanksgiving Coming Up

I have never really cared for Halloween, so I think I'll skip it this year. Maybe take the kids out for a little tour, and that's it.
Thanksgiving I'm taking at least one of the kids to LA to be with our family. This is going to be a much different holiday from last year. Some things can't be helped.
Going to get some Fall foliage images during the next couple of weeks. I like using the new camera.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

What A Day

I'm supposed to be helping my day-care provider move into her new place, but instead I'm reading for a class and doing some art research on the Internet. Stunningly beautiful weather. Listening to the Lord of the Rings soundtracks. Hand is throbbing.
I never realized how women have taken over art museum staffing in the US. So much for their protected underdog status in the arts - I'm going to publish my findings and become hated in the art world by NewLibs everywhere. Should be fun.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I Want To Go Camping

The tourists are gone. It would be a great time to just hike through the quiet glades with someone nice. Cook over the fire, take some pics, look at the stars.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Yup, It's Broke

Fifth metacarpal - seeing a surgeon tomorrow. I wonder how this will affect playing the guitar?

Oh, yeah, it hurts a little.


After seeing the orthopaedic (his spelling) surgeon, we decided to take a wait-and-see attitude. He splinted the hand and pressed the break together to set it. He kept asking if I wanted a shot first, as it was going to be painful. I declined, and when he was setting the fracture I didn't know whether to pass out, throw up, or both. Took another x-ray, and said that he would check it in a week. If it doesn't go back together on its own, then it will be surgery with screws and a plate. There will also be a few weeks of therapy involved if I want full range use of my hand again. Man, this is not good news.

Interesting note - while looking at the film, he commented on an old wrist break. I remembered injuring it in a horse wreck when I was a kid, but my parents thought I was just being a whiner when I told them I thought I had broken it. VINDICATED!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The University

Sometimes I forget the reason I moved to the North Coast - Humboldt State University. Check this.
Through all the trials of the past three years, I am amazed I have been able to keep focus on finishing my education. This school has been good to me - I have made a lot of friends with both students and faculty. Of course, most students think I am faculty because of my age. That has led to some quiet laughter on my part.
I'm thinking about continuing into graduate school, but I don't know if that will be possible at this campus. The University is undergoing some radical changes in attracting new students and keeping the ones already here, so perhaps they will see the light and open more graduate programs up.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Everyone Has Their Ideals

Taking a study break.
For twenty years I have thought about what my ideal living situation would be so far, it's this:
  • Rural setting
  • 5 acres: 3 pasture, 1 wooded, 1 pond
  • Year-round running stream
  • Concrete/adobe enviro-house

I've been looking in this area since first arriving, and have found multiple locations that would work. I've also noticed land prices stabilizing, and, in some cases dropping. I figure in another couple of years the time to strike will be right. That should coincide with the timing of business starting to grow. I think this area is going to remain one of the nicest on the west coast, if not in the world. I can't imagine living somewhere else.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

October is My Favorite Month

Went out to the North Jetty again. Bigger waves, so studying was kind of set to the side while watching them break on the rocks.

Stopped to check out the Coast Guard station on the way back. I'd like to be able to take a tour through to see if the interior is as interesting as the exterior.

I wonder why more films aren't shot around here?

Too Much Static

Too many problems, too few solutions makes life unbearable. I've been spending waaay too much time doing schoolwork and dealing with the brutal necessities. There has been a lot on my plate as of late, and I'm starting to fall behind as I mull over which way to go now. I need a break of sorts - I haven't been out of this county in almost two years - I'm going nuts.
Just made a call, and a friend and I are going to go see the sights, then study for an hour or so (same class). I'd like to get some pics while I'm out.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Now It's Girl's Birthday

The oldest child is a teenager in two days. This evening we're going to see Flicka, which I am hoping she'll like, as she is into riding. The reviews have been split, with the critics generally disliking the film, while the viewers give high marks.
I can't believe she will be a teen. I remember well that warm October day when she plopped into my arms. Incredible.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kitten is Doing Great!

Boober and her baby have been active. The baby keeps hopping out of the armoire, and once today I found her in the laundry basket - Boober must have dropped her in to keep her from escaping!
It's quite amusing to open the door and see both faces peering out - I think I may have to keep these two together - don't know if I can part with the kitten.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It Is Done

Since I cut my own hair, and have done so for the past 30 years, I thought I might give it a try on Boy. I left it a little long in case his Mother wants to do some trimming of your own. He sat pretty still, all things considered, and we were done in about 3 minutes.

I guess you can form your own conclusions...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fun Birthday

The original plan was to take Boy out for his official Two-Year-Old Haircut, but I had forgotten that virtually all barbers are closed Mondays! No big, we then went shopping and picked out toys and the remastered DVD of Bambi. Played with said toys and watched the film, which was really sweet, had dinner, and played some more. He was asleep by 8PM, and I had a nice evening reading Weston's Daybook II.
Haircut on Wednesday, even if I have to do it myself!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Time To Rejoice

Just after midnight, two years ago, I received the most wonderful gift. He was very warm and wet, and came into the world blinking and looking around the darkened room, raising his head to get a better view.
In those two years he has grown into a little boy who is more than I could have ever hoped for, someone who amazes me more every time I see him. I never thought I could love someone other than his mother so very much.
Alex, thank you for such a beautiful boy. He is more than I could ever imagine a son could be.
James, you are loved by everyone who knows you. Today we will think of things that make us happy, and play until you fall fast asleep.
Your Daddy loves you with all his heart. Happy Birthday!

The North Jetty

We decided to check out the North Jetty of Humboldt Bay. Overcast but nice day, I've never seen the water so smooth! There was so much life out - birds, people, sea lions, starfish, fish - everything you could imagine.
It did cause me to reminisce about an earlier time, and I don't know how good of company I was. I tend to get a little introverted and reflective on certain subjects.
Now that I'm back, I should devote the rest of the day to finishing working with the books and organizing the business. I think I'll cheat and watch a little of "Deadwood" as well. I'm about half-way into the second season.
Just started raining. Good day for watching a film...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Rain, Of Course

So much for the big plans for an outing. Instead, I think it time to devote a day to planning business strategy for the next six months. There are still a lot of loose ends to be tied up, and, while I detest paperwork as much as the next person, I can see it waving to me from here.
On to it. Where's that Joni Mitchell CD?

Friday, October 13, 2006


Ever meet someone and get the feeling you've met somewhere before; not just briefly, but for something longer? Having one of those strange feelings - I think it's a good thing, but I can't tell for sure (can we ever).
School is starting to focus down to the second half of the semester, and I hope I'm caught up enough. Extracurricular activities are starting to take their toll, but not necessarily in a bad way. Have some things planned for the next couple of days, maybe a trip or two into the nether regions of Humboldt County. Heh.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Foggy Day of Boy

When your child-care provider goes AWOL, and backup is out-of-town, there is only one solution. We've been watching "Paint Your Wagon' while I try to get caught up on the latest assigned readings for classes.
Very foggy day, with the fog sometimes breaking to let just a patch of bright sunlight through. The hills must be spectacular with fall color and light. I wonder if the smoke from the fires has subsided somewhat.

Monday, October 09, 2006

End of an Era

Letting go the things I love or care for has never been easy for me, so when I finally make that happen (or it takes place not by my volition) I remember the day. I will remember this day.
Too many new changes force me to let go those things I have held for far too long. The past year has been one that I could not have forseen in my craziest dreams. I will miss many people and places, but there are just as many to be discovered, and that journey never ends.
Everyone deserves happiness.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Took a short 10 minute drive to one of the better places to birdwatch in Northern California. I'll fill this out later, but suffice to say we saw some fall flora and fauna.
Walking through the building Complex itself, we picked up some of the newly-minted brochures. The trail was just under two miles, and the weather was perfect, so we took our time and in doing that got to see a lot of the small creatures that inhabit the area.

Last Night

Eureka was looking pretty good last evening, although the turnout was less than I've seen on past Arts Alive evenings. The first thing we saw, of course, was a family of raccoons at a street corner a block from the Morris Graves. The mother and her three kits were on safari, looking for whatever they could scrounge up. We could get within 5 or 6 feet of them, and they would chirp at us, totally unafraid. We stayed close until we saw them cross the street and disappear in a yard dense with foliage. Hopefully they were able to stay away from street traffic.
The Morris Graves was, well, quite familiar. The shows were basically the same as this time last year - same show, different art. It was good seeing a lot of familiar faces - talked to some old friends.
We then cruised down to First Street Gallery, which is owned and operated by the University. Whimsical sculpture and eco-indigenous paintings were the topic there. Again, not nearly as busy as in past openings.
After a couple of drinks, we just cruised around the rest of the evening, enjoying talking about, well, art-related topics. Imagine that.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Super-Nice Fall Day

Boy and I are watching "Shrek" while I cook a pork chop casserole for an early dinner. After his mother takes him later this evening, I'm going out, the first time in, well, forever. It's Arts Alive in Eureka, so every gallery and art-related shop in town will be happening!
Last night was the Harvest Moon. October is shaping up to be a great month.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mother and Baby, Doing Fine

Sometimes I realize that maybe it's better to just let life go on in the way it was meant to be.

I Wish My Ex's Lived In Texas

...and my kids lived with me.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

And Then...

A kind voice, a look, a soft touch, a smile... magic happens when least expected...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Long Night Last

For whatever reason, Boober keeps hopping into bet with her baby firmly clenched in her teeth, and drops it on me. I guess she wants me to watch it for a while while she goes off and eats, walks around, etc. She always comes back after a few minutes and takes over, but it's a little unnerving with such a small baby next to me - its eyes aren't even open yet. I'm afraid I'm going to roll over on it, so I don't get much sleep.
I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. Maybe it's fall, but I'm feeling wistful about the past. Sometimes I miss my old life to the point where it actually hurts inside. Transition is, well, rough.